Horse Wall Art Prints
Horse art encompasses a wide range of enchanting themes and symbolism. Beyond the natural majesty and beauty of horses, their image has been used throughout history to create intriguing narratives and convey deeper, spiritual meanings. Our artists each capture the spirit of a horse in entirely distinctive styles, hitting different notes and striking different chords from viewer to viewer.
Horse Canvas Wall Art: Themes & Symbolism
Horse wall art can be deeply personal to the viewer or buyers who choose it to adorn their home. It can stir memories of beloved pets, or transport individuals to significant moments in their life. Some of the most common themes in horse wall art include:

Culture & Status
The work of horses in agriculture and war has been a feature of art throughout history.; a quiet and enduring relationship between horse and man which has existed for thousands of years. In later periods, horses became aligned with hunting and emerged as a symbol of wealth and power.
Spiritualism & Mythology
The horse has been reimagined in fairy tales and mythology as fantastical creatures such as unicorns and Pegasus. Horses can be seen as a symbol for a quiet strength due to their powerful work in agriculture. They also represent freedom and light spirit.
Equestrian Sport
The power, precision and skill of equestrian sport is world renowned; whether it’s the flair of show jumping, the unique shapes of dressage or the thrill of the hunt, artists are spoilt for choice with energetic silhouettes and charged emotions when it comes to equestrian sport.
Man and Beast
Horses are often seen as presenting the beautiful relationship between man and beast. The bond between a horse and rider is powerful and its presentation in art can be incredibly stirring.
Horse Wall Art: Our Artists
Frank Pretorius expertly captures the dynamic movement of a horse in a bold and cinematic way. His distinct use of colour and abstract elements creative striking visuals and his works ring with energy and passion. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Derrick Fielding’s graphic style gives a nod to his original inspiration; comic books! His portrayals of horses at work are full of vibrancy and clean lines
for a distinctly different look.
Why Choose Horse Wall Art
Horse wall art is a popular choice for homes and can transform the energy dramatically, depending on the style and tone. Horse artwork can be observed in office spaces as a symbol of power. Rural scenes are perfect in living spaces to bring a sense of freedom and escapism. With so many ways to capture the spirit of a horse, it’s no surprise so many artists choose this incredible creature to feature as their muse.